5077 pocket - roo
Great holster for my LCP Max. Stays put for easy draw. Complete trigger coverage. Nice material and construction. Highly recommend for LCP Max.
#16 Pocket- Roo Holster.
I was concerned that a holster that fits the S&W Judge would be too large for a C.A. Bulldog 44spl. The Bulldog does sit slightly deeper than I would like but I still manage a full grip on the draw. Carries one 6 rd strip of extra ammo and holster stays in the pocket on the draw. Four stars because it is a little larger than needed for the Bulldog.
Pocket-Roo Holster
This is the 2nd Pocket-Roo Holster that I have purchased from TUFF Products. I ordered my first one 3 years ago and only gave it 4 stars at the time. However, after using it for a couple of weeks it "broke in" and it is now my everday and FAVORITE holster! And it shows virtually NO sign of wearing out any timee soon! Since I bought another S&W 442 this week I bought - of course - another Pocket-Roo! These are great holsters so give your time to break in.
5077 Pocket-Roo Holster
Received very timely; I have been carrying my S&W 442 for a few days and have these observations: 1) my revolver is very loose-fitting; 2) the ammo pouch may have been incorrectly sewn since it SO TIGHT that it took me several minutes to force the ammo inside and I am concerned whether it will be quick/easy to deploy; and 3) the unit is VERY stiff and does not easily fit into my pocket..
Great holster for the S&W Shield and fits perfectly in my 5.11 BDU patrol pants with no printing on the outside. Holster stays in place and provides quick draws of the handgun. A real bargain for the price!
Quick Strip Pocket Isn't Sized Correctly
I bought this holster specifically for the extra pocket in which you can put a five round quick strip. First things first, I bought this for my Ruger LCR chambered in .357 magnum. The gun took a little bit of coaxing, but it did ultimately fit in the holster. So far, so good. My carry ammo is .38 Special +P by Sig Sauer. I put five rounds into the quick strip and tried to put it into the smaller pocket. After A LOT OF coaxing, it went in. What it didn't want to do is come out! I humored myself by putting it into my pocket with my gun in my non-dominant hand to simulate a reload. I grabbed the tab on the quick strip and gave it a tug- out came the entire holster! I tried again and the same thing happened. In addition, this holster just isn't as sticky as the pocket holster I currently have from another maker. I could have overlooked that if the pocket were sized better. You may have better luck than I did, but unfortunately I'm going to return mine for a refund.
size 19 light and smooth
Works as intended. Magazine pocket is too small for a Kahr PM9. Maybe I will work on stretching it a little, maybe not as I use my pinky and next finger on the horn part to break the gun free before a quick draw
Handy Holster
I purchased the Pocket Roo holster for my 5 shot J-frame Smith & Wesson, and the product seems to got my needs very well. I am right handed, and I have found that when carrying a 5 round Quickstrip reload, it works out better a LOT better for me if I place the bullet tips facing rearward in the ammo pocket. The strip end tab still clears the grips for an easy draw,...the rounds sit a little deeper in the holster pocket,...and the strip's grip tab doesn't get caught up against the inside seam of the pocket.
great product
Love this little holster very well made fits the l c p perfect will be purchasing more of your products